Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Day 8808

The Day 8808

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


most people know that i give a lil sh*t about politics because the idea of a perfect country for me is that u wont get shot mase ngah minum air kat mapley..
so, if the government could prevent this from happen, i wont give a damn sape yang memerintah, GOV or OPPOS..however, there's something bout politic that attracts me recently, it happens because of the word 'LIWAT' i am amazed to see the usage of this word spreads like air liur yang menyembur in the media..

the most interesting story is, the statement that guy (u know who) made.'batang kot* telah memasuki lubang jubur saya dan saya berasa sakit' <-- well, dia xde la mention camni..aku yang teringin nak tulis.. pardon.'saya diliwat secara paksa' <-- it goes something like this la..

well, why do i think this is funny?think of it, the guy is actually in his early 2os with energy of a young dude (real dude not dut)so, how could he being liwatted by someone who is in his late 50s? dont u think its weird? i'm in early 2os also, and i know, if i were to being fucked in the ass by an much older dude, aku rasa aku leh lawan balik! tumbuk je la telur tua dia kalo ko tidak rela disetubuhi secara songsang!

UNLESS,the guy yang dijubur was in the state of paksa-rela or even rela-sangat? Perhaps!well, korang jangan salah faham, i admit, knowledge aku psl politik equals to a bimbo's about microbe nuclear i write what i feel and if u do not agree.. gi komplain kat blog sendiri coz this is my fucking blog..sekadar selingan..i wonder, during the few minutes before the fucking session went down, what were thier dialogues? camni kot..

penjubur: (memegang janggut yang beruban) come here bit*h! i want to fu*k ur sweet ass!
dijubur : no! tidak! aku bukan gay! aku x rela! kalo x caya tnya makcik, eh pakcik aku! (baring atas katil sambil bukak baju tight warna pink)
penjubur: (jalan dengan terbongkok2 berkelajuan 2km/j) jangan lari! aku dah ade famili, pernah fu*k orang lain dan kali ini aku ingin fu*k kamu!
dijubur : tidak! aku orang penting di U aku.. malu la kalo aku mengaku depan akbar yang aku aku punya jubur dah disuntut oleh orang tua! (sambil on mp3 lagu 'janji manismu')
penjubur: aku tak kira! aku nak fu*k ko sekarang! aku makin horny bila aku ada chance naik balik dalam parti!
dijubur : tak mahu! tidak! (switch ke lagu 'mahu tapi malu' dari dina)
Penjubur: hahaha aku dah dapat ko! kudrat tua aku lagi kuat dari mu!
dijubur : argh!! tidaaakkkkk ahhhh tidaakkkkk ermmhhh ahhhh tidakkk..kuat lagi please?
the rest was a history...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

tipu oh tipu.....

Orang melayu bukan takat mudah lupa, tapi juga mudah percaya dan mudah kena tipu.

Skim cepat kaya = kena tipu
Saham internet = pun kena tipu
Black money syndicate = kena tipu juga
Gores dan menang = kena tipu lagi
Ceramah Anwar Berahim = hahaha kena tipu lagi dan lagi